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  • Christian Song

Blue Car Technologies becomes LuraTech Reseller, Announces PDF/A

PDF/A on its way to the UK as America revolutionises legal document archiving, Blue Car Technologies brings it to the UK ahead of competition


America, December 2010, A requirement to use PDF/A formatting is soon to be implemented for filing PDF case documents with the U.S. federal courts. Although not currently a legal requirement, it is strongly suggested that all interested parties immediately begin using the PDF/A format when filing documents through their Case Management / Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) systems.

London, July 2011, Blue Car Technologies announces it has formed an alliance with its development partner international software developer Luratech Ltd. The union helps Blue Car Technologies to pioneer and integrate the PDF/A standard in the UK, by offering a range of products to its legal and professional service clients.

Luratech is a founding member of the PDF/A Competence Centre, thereby giving reassurance that the compressed PDFs produced by its products are the “real” PDF/A format. The collaboration will enable Blue Car Technologies to offer the legal and professional service industry a number of standards-compliant software solutions for validating PDF/A files as well as tools for PDF conversion and compression.

The LuraTech products provide a balanced relationship between compression rate, image quality and performance. Furthermore, the recently released PDF/A version 2 improves the handling of transparent images and logos and provides superior compression quality. The products can be run on multiple-core processor servers meaning they can processes around 200,000 documents in a 24 hour period, far quicker than competitors. OCR (optical character recognition) is included in all products (ABBYY engine), which produces compressed and fully text-searchable PDF/A files.

PDF/A is an ISO* standard electronic document format, which has been developed to ensure total document fidelity and that integrity is preserved not only now but far into the future. PDF/A documents can be created from digital sources regardless of the programme or system that originally generated them, including scans taken from hard copies received by mail that need to be converted to a digital format. This is where the standard comes into its own, offering longevity to paper documentation and providing reusable content.

“Luratech is known for producing efficient and high quality software, and we are delighted to be working with them. The UK is driven by trends in America so we believe it is only a matter of time before the UK courts will follow suit and the PDF/A standard will become endemic in the UK for all professional service documentation.” Comments Colin Fowle, Managing Director of Blue Car Technologies. “It guarantees an absolute true representation of the original document.”

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